Green M & M's
Photo by Syed F Hashemi on Unsplash
When I was a kid M & M’s came in red, yellow, tan, dark brown & orange and of course the ever so rare and startlingly colorful GREEN ones. It wasn’t until 1995 that the Mars company took a poll of the American people and there was a vote to replace the tan ones (which originally replaced VIOLET in 1949 - who the heck would replace VIOLET with TAN?) with the new & equally brightly colored blue ones.
In any case - it was a big thrill if you got a green one as that meant that you were attracting someone who would love you (or as we got older getting the green one would theoretically make you horny!) Like pulling the petals off of a daisy (He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not) we all wanted to get those elusive green ones to pop out of the bag and pop into our mouths.
I got started thinking about those green M&M’s the other day when I was working with one of my clients who lives on the other side of the world and who connected with me via the new Clubhouse app. There are a lot of lessons to be learned from the elusive green M&M that can be applied to your business and your life if you are called to be a Messenger.
Here are some that have been coming through in the past few days:
If you (like the green m&m) have something rare and precious to offer to the world - you need to be aware of that rarity and preciousness so that you can properly package, position & price that offer & make that offer with clarity, courage, commitment, consistency & certainty. This includes the certainty that (like the green m&m’s) there ARE clients and customers out there who are as rare and precious as you and who are really ready, willing and able to say YES to hiring or buying from you now and into the future.
If you are overly focused on the MESSAGE & MISSION (M&M) you may over give and under receive. This is a significant problem in the long run - sustainable only for a short period of time - the original soul calling and enthusiasm for sharing your message begins to seriously erode when you start coming from a space of scarcity.
If you are out there sharing your message ALL OVER THE PLACE, being seen and heard repeatedly and regularly but you are not generating real revenue results that will allow you to not just survive but to actually THRIVE then my best guidance for you is you need to STOP right now and accept and acknowledge that. Tell yourself the truth - this is one of the steps in my Wealthy Life Method™.
The truth is that while you may create a small dent in the hearts and minds of a smattering of the people who hear you - you simply are not giving them what they need in order to really go deep and make the authentic changes that can only come by making an investment. It’s time for you to stop spraying and praying and sprinkling water into the desert. There will never be a shortage of places to speak. There will however be a shortage of strength and stamina if you are attempting to survive on scattered applause and simply aren’t making the money that’s required to serve your people, your purpose and your pocketbook.
Scarcity is a reflection of the lack of focus/attention/awareness on the MONEY & MATH (M&M). Let’s face it if you have a big calling you are GOING to say YES - you simply can’t help it - AND it’s also your responsibility to do the things that are required in order to SUSTAIN the delivery of this calling into the world for an extended period of time - perhaps even beyond your life time. This requires a “Wealth Vibration” adjustment - where you begin to both understand as well as embody the frequency of Stewardship for Sustainability. Money & Math are very much a part of this equation.
Most “heart centered” entrepreneurs, “conscious” business owners, healers/lightworkers, & other life opening professionals that I come across have a familiar phrase that they consistently communicate - “I’m not in it for the money”. Now I know that the intent behind that phrase is to project a persona of “I’m a good person and therefore I’m going to just give give give.” Let me assure you - this attitude of give, give, give to prove to yourself and the world that you are “good” is an old and much in need of healing wound that will ultimately sabotage everything you say you stand for and will simply wipe you out sooner or later.
If you really truly believe that you are called to make a big difference in the lives of a certain group of people and are the “green M&M” that they have been waiting to come out of the bag so to speak then you must account for your own well being both physically as well as financially. If you are not generating the revenue you require to THRIVE - meaning that you have more than enough every day all the time and you feel spacious and able to both breathe and expand as well as even take some risks - then your focus must be on discerning what you need to shift either internally or practically (usually both!) in order to get to that level. You can not be of service if you are in servitude.
To be able to discern what’s really going on its helpful to have an outside perspective. A perspective that will support you to understand your own value as the messenger as well as the value of your message to the people most meant to be served by it and by you. A perspective that sees that you are love and beloved and that money is simply a tool that you can use to amplify your love and the blessings you are here to deliver while simultaneously supporting you to simply be your very best, most healthy, most vibrant, most enthusiastically alive channel for the message you are called to deliver.
Let’s connect to see if it’s a fit for us to work together to support you to be able to shed all that no longer serves - especially the thought forms that are putting up a barrier to the money that’s actually required to allow you to thrive and your message to propagate out to the people who are your “green M&M’s”. I am hired to activate your clarity, confidence and commitment to creating conscious change, fulfill your calling and communicate with certainty. I help you to design a life filled with MEANING that fills you with joy and the experience of plenty of prosperity. I appreciate that you want to be seen, heard and supported. If NOW is the time for you to step into the creation of your own Wealthy Life By Design & if you feel the calling to explore what’s possible when you let go, look in and leverage your own highest gifts then I invite you to apply for a Wealthy Life By Design Clarity Consultation with me. If you qualify my team will be in touch to get you in the schedule.