Though breakthroughs know no age, sex, or race- what is stopping us, what our trigger of weakness is varies. No matter if your struggle is with sales, defining success for yourself, overcoming societal stigmas, or discovering how to craft YOUR life - YOUR Way - all require purpose, a catalyst, and a clear roadmap.
Now though you can try to achieve these life changing results solo, you know that the “solo road” isn’t the “smart road.” The smart road is to receive expert guidance, support, and accountability.
Here is how I can help.
Carrying a Wealth of Wisdom? Know that NOW is the time to design your Wealthy Life? Conceived as a “vision quest” to see your highest calling and map out the method for making your most valuable contribution to life, Creative Age Leader this VIP Small Group Intensive is where your LEGACY vision is born.
Do you know that you have a potent message of change that you are meant to share with millions of people? Intentionally designed to support the aspiring speaker to generate a compelling cashflow commanding CLEAR Message & GET BOOKED LIKE MAGIC to speak to serve audiences around the world.
Plateaued in your income or earnings? Really ready to have your whole relationship with money & wealth magnetism shift for the better? Because the Wealth of the World is meant to be stewarded by the wise this virtual or in person VIP Day is custom created just for you to become ready to receive & steward wealth!
Let’s get real
If you could get over this struggle (sales, speaking, societal demands… fill in the blank) you would have.
It isn’t that you have lack of head knowledge or will power. It is just that knowledge plus power doesn’t equal results.
You must have the roadmap to the success you seek and the catalyst to breakthrough all that is blocking you: mentally, physically, emotionally, and spirtually.
Being clear and staying the course is essential when you are tired of circling the drain and you are ready to climb the mountain.
No matter if you want to master sales, your message, or your demons - knowing where YOU want to truly go and why is essential for your breakthrough and success.
And though a roadmap is essential, it is the catalyst that will help you overcome all of the hang ups, hookups, and hold ups- that are actually stopping you from achieving your success and breakthrough.
Now it is human nature to run away from the potential pain of a catalyst, but catalysts don’t need to be painful.

Anjel B Hartwell - The Wealthy Life Mentor is one of America’s Premier Experts on creating conscious change & living a Wealthy Life By Design™. Working with thousands of entrepreneurs throughout her 35+ year career, Anjel knows how to create proactive, catalytic change that creates client breakthroughs in all areas of life.
Anjel is a connector and catalyst for the Creative Age Leader™. She established an international reputation as an author of 7 books & contributing author to another 21. Her most recent book Be Heard By Millions & Live Your Destiny was a #1 New Release in 3 Categories on Amazon.
As an online and offline speaker she’s presented nearly 1000 times over the last 15 years and shared both Live & “virtual” stages with luminaries like Jack Canfield of “Chicken Soup for the Soul” fame, John Assaraf a star in the blockbuster movie “The Secret” and NY Times Best Selling Authors like Sark and Marianne Williamson.
She is the Creator, Executive Producer & Host of the 13X Award Winning & Apple #1 Internationally ranked Wickedly Smart Women Podcast serving her sisters in success around the world downloading in 119 countries & was the creator & original host of the Apple top 50 ranked Men On Purpose Podcast listened to weekly in 97 countries which she sold in 2020. Her latest podcast Leading Visionaries is ranked top 10% of all podcasts globally.
Let’s be done with B.S.
If you are ready to live YOUR life via YOUR unique purpose - then we must rid the B.S. stories that are holding you back and create an environment that catapults you to your breakthrough and puts you firmly on the road to your ultimate success.
Host Anjel
Wanting to bring the message of breakthough to your larger audience?
Lectures and lengthy powerpoint presentations don’t create momentum, energy, or real change. When you are looking to not just “fill the space,” but you want to truly elevate the perspectives and open the minds & hearts of your event attendees – then Anjel Hartwell is for you.
Her multi sensory, experiential presentations are engaging, entertaining, and enlightening, activating the Creative Age Leaders™ in your audience and inspiring lasting transformation.