The 7 C's For Creating Conscious Change
Photo by Evgeni Tcherkasski on Unsplash
We are in the changing times. In the Inka Tradition that I was initiated in back in 2003 the “seers” prophesy was that the PatchaCuti was coming - Patcha = World Cuti=Upside Down. I, along with many others including you if you are reading this, have been both preparing for and contributing energy to creating the changes that we knew were both necessary and inevitable.
Like the ocean, I have found that change comes in waves. You can be participating and consciously dancing with/riding the waves or you can be tossed about like a ship in a stormy ocean being pounded by those waves. In either case an aspect of yourself or your world will be transformed.
Having spent many years being tossed like a ship I finally came to understand that in order to shift my experience I had to become more conscious of my own contributions to the storminess. An example - for most of my life I was in relationships with men who were either angry, abusive, addicted or whom I felt in some way alienated from. It took years of deep inner work and an intense life threatening crisis with my own son before I finally woke up to the fact that I was the single unifying thread in the entire storyline of perpetrator/victim and vainly spent years in the desperate prayer for a rescuer to come along and make it all go away.
This dynamic - otherwise known as the “triangle of trauma” (Victim, Perpetrator, Rescuer) is a trap that is nearly impossible to escape. A triangle is one of the strongest structures (that’s why they make bridges using this shape). What I discovered once the crisis brought me to the awakening was that the only way to over turn (PatchaCuti) the Triangle of Trauma was to look squarely at my role as the victim and consciously choose to dismantle that side of the triangle, flip it upside down and acknowledge myself as the VICTOR in my own life - thus setting up the Triangle of TRIUMPH which is my own creation - Where I am the Victorious Voice, Prosperously Presenting myself in the world, and Reaping Rewards as a result.
How did I do this? Happy to share…..
Here are my 7 C’s for Creating Conscious Change:
1 - Clarity - Know what you want - often discovered in the process of inquiring of yourself “What’s NOT Working” and following that with “Exactly What do I Want Instead” - these are the first two steps in my signature process - the Wealthy Life Method ™ that I apply when working with people to help them to transmute their life path and create a Wealthy Life By Design™!
2 - Courage - Finding the HEART to go after what you have identified that you want. Let me be clear that “going after” does not mean you need to “Hustle & Grind” in order to achieve your dreams - in fact the “Hustle & Grind” mentality can actually be incredibly destructive to your life, your spirit and your business if you are applying your energy blindly to upholding that principal. If you have the HEART to say yes to your dream/vision of what you want - then you can actualize that much more simply, efficiently and enjoyably by engaging that heart field and devoting yourself in service to the vision without attachment as to the “how” of it. Do not be seduced by the “culture of busy”.
3 - Consulting/Coaching - Find support and invest with mentors/trusted advisors/consultants/trainers/ coaches who have been where you are or who are authentically living and enjoying the lifestyle and business structure that you are seeking to create. Be sure to DIAL UP your discernment when you are investigating who to invest with. The access that we have to be able to “PROJECT” a level of success that’s not actually real is unprecedented. I have personally gone down this rabbit hole of believing what I see on the internet - only to discover that a lot of illusion can be created simply with fun pictures of Ferraris (rented by the “Baller”) in front of mansions (photographed as a backdrop) that are also “borrowed” to create an illusion of material success that is meant to magnetize the easily persuaded people who buy in blindly. Don’t be seduced by the “culture of personality” either. Ask yourself - is that mansion/Ferrari lifestyle what I actually want or have I been compellingly convinced to believe that I SHOULD want that when what my soul actually craves is wide open spaces and time in nature to simply be without “Balling”.
4 - Create - Take the leap & engage in Inspired Action - following on step 3 above - this means investing - in that mentor/guide/advisor with both your time & energy to initiate the process of further clarifying what you want, then actively laying out the steps to both dismantle what’s not working (I call this “Snake Medicine”) and simultaneously design and activate the pathways to what you want instead. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It can however be transmuted and transformed. The process of doing so is deeply internal - imagine an ICEBERG - 90% of what goes on in this process is under the surface. Deep work happens when you choose to create conscious change. Don’t be seduced into believing this is an “Overnight” process - although it can be if you are deeply courageous and willing to get all the way to the bottom of that iceberg. Most people take the deep diving a layer at a time and with the support of someone who can help illuminate - like the lighthouse in the picture - the safest and most direct pathway to the harbor through the storm.
5 - Check In: Once You get in motion it’s essential to set yourself up psychologically as well as practically for regular check ins - both with your trusted adviser as well as with your Infinite Source. Checking in is more than just affirming that you are on course for reaching your intended destination - it’s also a continuous practice of asking if you are in fact committed to what you decided you wanted in step one. There is NO SHAME in stopping something once you get started if you come to find out that things simply aren’t working the way you thought they would - ESPECIALLY if continued forward motion could be dangerous to your well being - physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually or financially. Don’t be seduced by the thrill of momentum - momentum is exciting but can also be devastating if it’s momentum in the incorrect direction for your greatest good.
6 - Choose - This step is all about choosing to give yourself permission to actually accept and allow yourself to have what you want and to embody and live your dreams. It’s putting the stake in the ground once you have hit a milestone. The stake that says yes to you - yes to your courage - yes to your commitment - yes to your creativity - yes to your consistent course correction and yes to being PRESENT to the fact that you really can create your reality. Sometimes we get so caught up in the DOING that we miss the fact that we’ve actually crossed a finish line! Don’t be seduced by the dream always being “out there” ahead of you so that you can actually OWN it through fully embodying the experience - both the experience of the journey and the experience of the destination.
7 - Celebrate - ENJOY what manifests from your commitment and devotion to creating conscious change. If you don’t celebrate yourself and your capacity to create then you are devaluing your dreams and denigrating all the energy and courage that you mustered and invested into the creation. Celebrating your own creations is not a bad thing - don’t be seduced by conditioning that promotes false modesty. The infinite source/universe/God/Goddess/Higher Self/Creator loves a good party and energy flows where the attention goes - so put your attention and intention on creating a life that’s a work of art and fully and completely worthy of celebrating so that you can testify to the greatness of life itself - working through you to create MAGIC!
Want to explore the possibilities of receiving consulting from a multi-dimensional multi-award winning internationally recognized mentor (did you see how I celebrated there?)? I’d be delighted to see if it’s a fit for us to work together to support you to be able to have greater clarity, confidence and commitment to seeing your own vision come into fruition! Whether it’s becoming a Empowered Messenger, Starting A Podcast or stepping into the creation of your own Wealthy Life By Design I invite you to apply for a Wealthy Life By Design Clarity Consultation with me. If you qualify my team will be in touch to get you in the schedule!