[Poetry] Candles Burning
Softly flickering
the light blossoms out
from the center of the
spicy scented
pillars of wax
Illuminating the altar
brimming with energy and
crystallized intent
artfully arranged by
the shaman sister
in an act of defiant creation
Photo by Matt Seymour on Unsplash
Meeting the wall of illusions
created by Wall Street and
the masterminds of the
Hollywood Machine that seeks
to program the heads and
capture the hearts (and wallets)
of the bleating sheeple of
Middle America
Here in the inner sanctum
she sees in the dark
and discerns the
sacred pathways, symbols and signs
that restore power to her people
so that they too may rise up
from their own sacred altars
in defiance of the defilement of
our true nature and the warping
of our innate desires in service to
the false Gods of consumption
at any cost.
The initiations have begun
and the scales are falling
from the eyes that were blinded
as the awakening spreads
gently across the land
like the light from
her candles burning