Top Ten Mindset Tips for the "Suddenly Working From Home"
Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash
If you have been sent home from the #office to #workfromhome because of the #coronavirus there are some things you might want to know from someone who has been doing it since 2003! Here are my 10 Top Tips for cultivating a mindset of staying connected, being productive and capitalizing on the new openings that have been created for you as a result of this shift in circumstances!
· Be Grateful – working from home is a blessing that allows you to discover more about yourself, your own unique natural rhythms and cycles and your family and neighbors. Instead of cursing this time be aware of how blessed you are and practice upping your gratitude attitude.
· Be Mindful – now that you have time and space that has opened up for you use it wisely instead of consuming it carelessly. First get connected with yourself – meditate or do yoga, tai chi or some other mindfulness movement practice when you arise in the morning to set the course for the day with the focus on you first.
· Be Inspired – permit yourself time to dream, to ponder, to wonder, to indulge in creativity and experimentation. Look for ways to increase the beauty, joy, peace & connection in your life.
· Be Bold – take that course you have been meaning to take, sign up for online webinars, take a risk and some concrete steps to starting up or growing the “Side gig”. Learn how to connect more deeply with others virtually through face to face zoom or skype meetings.
· Be Brave – if you have become unwell check in with your body and really begin the process of bravely LISTENING to what it wants most – this is a time to know yourself better than ever before – if your body is signaling the need for more sleep make that a priority – if it’s more fresh air open the windows or go out into Nature for a healing walk. Let your EMOTIONS free – especially if you have bypassed grieving for any losses you might have not processed.
· Be Imaginative – Can you create a new routine, ritual or ridiculously brilliant book, piece of art or meal plan for yourself or your family. Allow your imagination free reign and you will be delighted by the creative solutions to challenges you are now facing that you would never have imagined if you weren’t at home now.
· Be Efficient – set up POWER BLOCKS of time to produce any work that is required by your company and discover and utilize the technologies that allow your meetings with colleagues to be time well spent. Do the laundry at the same time as you are doing your work. Prepare your lunches for 2-3 days in advance so you can grab and go if you are in flow. Avoid time traps where you are distracted and sucked in by social media, the news, mindless “entertainment” that is “mind numbing” and really isn’t contributing to your growth.
· Be Aware – get clear on what’s most important to you NOW – the world as we know it is undergoing significant, global deconstruction of systems and institutions that are simply no longer sustainable, healthy or in service to the planet and the people who live on it. NOW is the time to LET GO of any clinging you may have to “the way things are” and to acknowledge and tell yourself the truth about what you are really here to be, do and have.
· Be Collaborative – find ways to stay connected with your colleagues and friends – make MORE time for 1-1 or small group mind melds so that the collective mind can rise up & take hold and deliver inspirations, ideas, innovations and inventions – there are no problems only solutions that have yet to be found – solutions come through PEOPLE! Stay connected and also be on the look out for the NEW connections as some of the old connections disappear in panic and fear.
· Be Courageous – STAY IN YOUR HEART. Ask yourself often what does my heart want right now? Be generous, kind, compassionate and accepting of your co-workers who are navigating a significant shift in their life and be that to yourself as well. Be prepared to leap suddenly as new opportunities will open for you from this new space – go with what lights your heart up and let go of fear, uncertainty and doubt.
Anjel B Hartwell is an internationally known speaker, mentor and Top 50 ranked Podcast Host of the Men On Purpose Podcast & Top 75 Ranked Wickedly Smart Women Podcast. She’s been a “Work From Home” entrepreneur for almost 20 years and has been cashing in from her couch primarily using “Virtual Speaking” to spread her message, make money & mentor her clients worldwide who have collectively generated in excess of $55,000,000 in revenues. Discover your Speaker Magic and apply to get a free download of her new book Be Heard By Millions & Live Your Destiny – A Creative Age Leader’s Guide to Speak, Sell, Serve & Succeed by taking her new quiz at