Messaging Is On My Mind


Messaging is on my mind.

Did you know that there is a HUGE difference between your MESSAGE with a capital M and your MESSAGING?

That they have two different and distinct purposes?

That your MESSAGE with a capital M is the core of what you are here to energize, embody and live out into the world?

That your MESSAGE with a capital M is what the people who become your clients are actually inspired to become as well?

and that your MESSAGING is the TOOL that you use to inspire people to buy/invest with you.

Since 2008 I have been called to serve Messengers.

I help them to get CLEAR both on the core value of their MESSAGE with a capital M (including and especially the monetization strategy part) and on the MESSAGING that will help them to make the all important connections with the BUYING audiences.

Since 2008 I have seen a whole lot of things and people come and go in the "Messenger" space.

Mostly the ones who go are the ones who sabotage their MESSAGE by either giving it away all day every day for free to people for whom it only serves for a moment (like pouring water into the desert) or by sending out MESSAGING that is such an energetic DISTORTION of the core message that their actual clients are turned right off because the tone and tenor of the MESSAGING is so antithetical to what their core MESSAGE is (which is generally head over heart way of putting the messaging out using the "latest and greatest system, method, structure, model" to get the messaging out in a way that leaves the reader or listener feeling SLIMED rather than supported to make an investment.)

This messenger game is a DELICATE DANCE between heart and head. Head will tell you GET THE CLICKS!! Heart will say POUR OUT THIS MESSAGE BECAUSE EVERYONE NEEDS IT.

The key though is to find that somewhat elusive yet incredibly elegant place where the MESSAGE & THE MESSAGING are deeply aligned and intertwined in a way that you open hearts and wallets for the RIGHT FIT PEOPLE and ideally REPEL the people that are not a fit.

I have personally myself invested hundreds of thousands of dollars and 15 years of my life to dance well between the heart and head with my MESSAGE & my MESSAGING.

When I have chosen the heart alone I have found myself ultimately depleted, drained and defeated as the value exchange didn't materialize as hoped.

When I have chosen the head alone I have felt shame, guilt and disgust and self sabotaged because of the slimy, manipulating, tactical moves that push the fear buttons that make people empty their wallets (NLP is a process many in the industry use to do just this)

The marriage of the heart and head is what's required to unleash the MAGIC of making sales, making great impact and making a great income that allows your business and you to thrive.

I believe firmly that the heart still must take the lead. This is as much of an ENERGETIC thing as it is an articulation of the words.

Personally this is an ongoing practice/work in progress and I am finding that the more I aim for that sweet spot the better my business and life gets.

My clients always have my heart because they are some of the most exceptional change agents and leading visionaries on the planet. Embodying here to create conscious change and evolve the species into a more peaceful, prosperous, beautiful, harmonious golden age. Serving across a wide range of industries they are the "sleeper cells" who are starting to crack out of their own cocoons and say YES to the Call to becoming an EMPOWERED Messenger.

Part of the process of getting to the YES and making the correct connections is informing that you have availability to serve and the other part is sending out the signals and asking for the hands to be raised that want to receive the support only YOU can offer.

So I'll just model that here for you right now....

If you are a Leading Visionary and/or Leading Visionaries - I am creating something to spotlight you and I've got a handful of openings to support you to get CLARITY and UNITY between your heart and your head too.
Apply HERE Now to qualify for a complimentary consultation.