Don't Be Seduced By The Culture Of Busy
Sometimes my clients require a sharp swift dose of tough love
Last night that happened…
She sent me a message…
“Grateful for you 🙏🏻
I must be the slowest client.”
My response:
“Don’t do that.
Stop that right now
You are absolutely NOT permitted to judge or degrade or shame yourself or compare your journey to anyone else
You can NEVER be behind on your own journey.”
Sometimes when a client is up against it (“it” being their next breakthrough) the default setting is self flagellation.
I refuse to collude with that dynamic.
Self abusing is not going to serve anyone or anything and is a misuse of power energy and life force that must be immediately nipped in the bud and redirected.
The most powerful way to thwart this dynamic is to first put an immediate halt to it. Stopping the momentum as swiftly as possible is essential.
The next step is to find something…
Anything at all…
For which you have gratitude…
So what’s interesting to me is she brought the antidote to the behavior with her to the exchange.
There’s more of course and she and I will go deeper when we have our next meeting to discover where this self deprecation originated so it can be rooted out for good and strategies can be put in place to keep it out.
For today though I just want to say…
Simplicity is Divinity.
So if you find yourself in this kind of downward deflationary state…
Find Gratitude
If you feel the calling to explore what’s possible when you let go, look in and leverage your own highest gifts then I invite you to apply for a Clarity Consultation with me. If you qualify my team will be in touch to get you in the schedule.